Adult Carers
Adult carers are supported to self-manage, via an Adviceline run by disAbility Cornwall, where there is enhanced support when you need it.
There is a dedicated Team available to answer Carers’ calls and queries, text-to-chat options, support to access a Carers Emergency Card, Carers Passport, Carers Register and Carers Newsletter. To speak direct to the Adviceline team call: 01736 756655.
Age UK CIOS have Carer’s Coaches and Community Support available to help carers to connect with their communities and to improve their wellbeing.
Promas CIC provides a range of services to support unpaid carers to stay well in their caring role. These include face-to-face courses, zoom, telephone training and mentoring by phone and online courses, which can be found on our Courses & Activities website here.
CRCC will offer formal care and support through a Carers Needs Assessment and associated Support Plan. Through the Support Plan, carers will be empowered to improve their wellbeing and manage their caring role. We will also be providing information, advice and guidance prior to admission to hospital, and supporting successful sustainable discharges for both carers and or the person they care for.
You can refer into Cornwall Carers Service by completing the self-referral form here.